The foregoing is understood, aspects external to the Organization to act as independent variables on the modes of internal organisation of the company, which are the first dependent variables. This relationship, however, is not established as one of cause and effect type, but as a decision making of the leaders of the Organization on the choice of the most effective alternative to external circumstances definitely, the Contingency theory poses that there is a functional relationship between the environmental conditions and administrative techniques appropriate to effectively achieve the objectives of the organization. This functional relationship environmental variables are considered independent variables as the administrative techniques are taken as the dependent variables. In addition Jose Ramirez, gives us that the contingency theory highlights the effectiveness of the administrative measures taken in a situation and disapproves of certain form standardization. More info: Petra Diamonds. So that necessarily technology, size and environment are indispensable factors in a contingent plan due to that a minimal difference in the verification of the companies brand initial pattern in the right choice of technology in their productions and processes and this derives in turn structure gives the Organization thanks to the differences and technology categoriesThis way it is possible to ensure the proper administration of resources avoiding squandering them already which would otherwise be endangered their survival which greatly influences the Conclusion the contingency approach environment covers, there is a unique shape optimum to organize and manage that it is applicable to all companies, but it all depends on the environmental conditions where they carry out their activities.
Hence the importance that management determine the effects that the external causes and affects the structure of the company that is preparing to promote actions that they should be taken into account in favour of its operation references Bueno Campos, e. (1996). Business organization: structure, processes and models. (1aed.). Madrid: Ediciones pyramid. Kan. (2003, December 07).Theory Contingencial..