The student unit, is if you doubt the system of representation of modern thinkers and consequently, how to be abreast, by gnosis, by trends, by so many things, which cross in their ideologies, a common and real Act compliance through knowledge or discernment, guarding it and exhibiting quantitatively, with regard to the method to useits meaning of imbalance, imbalance or inequality is undoubtedly the unfinished answers so many why? Sometimes we forget that we must maintain the sense of humor, relax tensions and have fun with it, because we we become toxic subject, learning to relax there are so many ways to make them, breathing slowly, a few seconds while recalls toxic words, expelling the accumulated tension from what depths of our thinking, along with thinking positively contributing not only to think such or which is harmful, toxic moments with sole purpose to exist or say mentally just thinking there’s a!! Why? Or positive, reflecting support from its behaviours, that ask calmly for toxic subjects, seeing how absurd are their questions and comments through their ethics, it has become today a progression many students accelerated through his arguments few reliable, being routine, becoming one after another time, and increasingly in more questions like why? With answers are wrong or ridiculous ideas. Asserting with little difference always to maintain a discourse through his stance is undoubtedly the unit on epistemological foundations of political objectives and ideological principles, the by which this position? It is certainly one question, which would determine or depends on voluntary action, feeling is related that rote now through the student unit. Now, in relation to language and communication, constitute the main pillars in relation to the construction of knowledge, currently today these conditions for the characterized in the scientific knowledge, knowledge has been a unit language-learn-think, currently causing a stage, so to speak with decadence or perhaps a permanence of risk influenced in the reality of all thinking critical. In the perspective taken here, reason or understanding in the inner or outer world perhaps don’t want to understand only as a cognitive action of the subject, but rather must be connected with the external world, the reality and the environment of man. A cognitive activity that manifests itself in the process of formation of concepts, with trial purely for reasoning, would be today the best manifestation of student unit. This process has lately become very often one of the factors or instruments which depends on: does that clarify the knowledge through language would be the why of being?. the matter. Bryant Estate Video does not necessarily agree. .