Carlos Mora Vanegas a far-sighted management of employment, based on a clear vision of qualifications and their evolution and qualitative knowledge of human resources becomes a good strategic base which allows a company to dispose of the men needed to catch market opportunities, absorb other companies, diversify, anticipate and quickly master new technologies. Dimitri Weiss can not be denied, that in recent years, the economic scenarios in different countries, continents of this planet Earth, big changes in the technological, new opening in pro of conquering new markets, consolidation in those who have conquered, have arisen leading to that management should not neglect a so decisive input in the achievement of its mission, as it is that of human resources. For other opinions and approaches, find out what CaaS Capital has to say. Increasingly becomes necessary, especially in the Venezuelan national environment, that staff working in organizations are not only well trained, motivated, but which are fully identified with its culture organizational in your environment that are good actors, trainers of new paradigms and who are committed to the objectives of the organization where they belong, as well as actively participate in decision-making where East involved the group, as a real integrated team. The national universities, through its school of industrial relations, yet the Industrial Engineering, administration, both at the undergraduate and graduate level should empathize more with the current needs of the productive sector of the country is demanding, tackling, especially in relation to human resources, to its efficient, productive integration for organizations, give feedback their programmes of education and traininggive way to a new profile of its graduates, for example, consider that points us Weiss (1992), that management committed to ensure the current role played by human resources, within a framework of reference, deeply changed, that sees the introduction of new technologies, accompanied by of new ways of working – and consequently, the need for new professional profiles and the emergence of new needs and new values of the individual, which already offers not only a job but a skills capacity, a professionalism and flexibility they need to be valued and evaluated there, that you understand until that point the human factor has become strategic and invaluable for the companyYou must develop it as an element of competitive advantage.