Your chances of success equal to 50 percent. And indeed it is. You either succeed, or not. Everything Else – Excuses, which reduces your desire to act, but not the likelihood of your success. All of our lives divided into yes and no. We will either achieve or do not, buy or not buy, get married or not, do or do not.
Everywhere and always our chances of success equal to 50 percent. Read more from Abby Black Elbaum to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Many people thinking about success, immediately begin to find tens and Hundreds of the reasons that may prevent them from success. Was not born there, no good education, not the parents, poor environment, we have a small town, but actually I do not so, I'm enough of what I mean … Maybe 100 years ago it still had the place to be, but then there were people who have achieved success with a 0. A striking example – Mikhail Lomonosov, who was born in 1711, when the radio is not something that, almost no books.
But now, when the 21st century – century of information technologies – is sounds at least silly. Today you can get a good education through the Internet while sitting at home, and with a strong desire can do for free. In this diploma course you will not get, but why do it to you. You want knowledge, rather than diplomas. Through the same Internet you can earn money working freelance, go shopping, to communicate with someone from Australia and when it does not matter what your town, if prestigious institutions in it and wired Internet.