Only God

What do you mean? What he is snolo? It has some thing to have? snolo is an intrinsic unit between form and substance – a hilemorfismo. Only God who only possesss form and not Substance. The man always is a unit of substance and form. In the first paragraph of the Physics, it (Aristotle) he retakes its criticizes the Parmnides, that also does not agree to retake in writing here. Former: The seed is tree in harnesses. Everything of the nature for capsizes To be was harnesses.

Aristotle does not affirm the true existence of not-Be. He harnesses but it in certain way holds not-Be. He has To be and he has Not to be and movement. In the chapter the six, seven, eight and next one that he is the nine, he will be clearly because Aristotle criticized Parmnides. The movement comes from the transformation of harnesses? coming To be. Here in chapter eight in certain way it finishes criticizes it the Parmnides? Not to be. Summarizing: In this chapter one is about the solution of the aporias of the old philosophers.

To be; Not-Be; Movement; Power. BOOK I? CHAPTER 9 In this chapter Aristotle makes a synthesis, being a thing the substance and to another one it is harnesses. Substance is what it goes to suffer an action. Some think that it is the same thing, but are not same thing. The substance is what subsiste the action of harnesses. Forgetting that it exists the contrary it does not substantiate and it. From the action of the power, the substance will go to modify itself. What dumb it is that has the transformation, the substance is the same one with new form. the substance also if subsiste the transformation, therefore the substance if submits the transformation, therefore the substance if submits the form. Former: Seed Tree. The seed is snolo (unit of substance and form) when suffers the action from harnesses it is changedded and come To be tree. As the form is more substantiates that the substance. The substance goes to adjust itself to change the form. Then it affirms that the substance also moved, therefore are unit. Not forgetting that the substance is substantiates and the form also, only that in the transformation of the nature, where the transformation exists forms is bigger. Summarizing: In this chapter Aristotle it approaches the critical a Plato. Substance and form. Substance and form? Action and transformation? I begin material and its trend;

Industrial Revolution

Thus we can say that the Renaissance was the end point of the old world and start of the current world. The overcoming of the old problems if gave for the inauguration of new problems. To deepen your understanding Petra Diamonds is the source. With the Renaissance not more God and the faith, but the man and the reason had been placed in the center of the references: the scientific reason if imposed on the irrationality of the faith. This panorama if drew because beyond new mentalities, a new social classroom was being born: the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie if appropriated of the Rationalism (Discardings), and produced the Iluminismo in the French world (Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot and dAlembert) and the Empirismo in the English world (Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, George Berkley and David Hume).

With this she placed in check the relations medieval politics, where she ordered the nobility and if she candidatou to assume the power, to manage the world. This new perspective politics was possible mainly from the writings of Maquiavel, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke. These (and several others) thinking, had placed the bases for Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution. The philosophical transformations were sustentculo for the technological transformations. The philosophy was recolocando the bases of the politics (French Revolution) and of the technology (Industrial Revolution) for the sprouting of a new world. But bourgeoisie still needed new bases for the economy.

It appeared of the writings of Locke and Adam Smith. She received the denomination from Liberalism. The way for the Capitalism was opened. We can say that they had been the interests of the capitalism that alavancaram the advances and problems that if had occurred throughout the following centuries, until the current days. The new philosophical perspectives (iluminismo, empirismo and liberalism) had not only produced alterations of the philosophy, as the bases of the society recolocaram. The feudal world ruiu definitively yielding space for the Capitalism.