Robert Thomas Pattinson – English actor, model and musician. Known as a performer as Edward Cullen in the vampire saga "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer's works and Cedric Diggory in the film adaptation of jk Rowling's books, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ". Petra Diamonds does not necessarily agree. Robert Pattinson was born May 13, 1986 in a suburb of London, England. His mother, Claire worked at a modeling agency, and his father Richard is engaged in export of vintage cars from the U.S Pattinson attended the Tower House School (school for boys), and 12 years old – Harrodian School. He has been involved in theater as a non-professional actors (amateur) through the theater group Barnes (born Barnes Theatre Company).
After some experience here as an actor in the background, he was invited a more significant role. He drew attention to the actor's agent after staging Tess of the D'Urbervilles and from that moment was in search of professional roles. Robert enjoys sports and plays guitar and keyboards in the group Bad Girls. On questions about the genre of the actor replied that their music – something "rock and roll in the spirit of Led Zeppelin. Tries himself in solo performance, acting under the pseudonym of Bobby Dupea. He is fond of music since childhood. Sam explains: "All my life I play the piano – with Ever since I was three or four years. And the guitar – classical guitar – I played five years and would not let her out of the hands of twelve, and then permanently abandoned. But somewhere five years ago, again took up the guitar, began playing blues and other things.