The emissions derived from the transport of a container of 25 tons, represent the emission of 5 7 tons of CO2, in front of the 22.5 tons that are avoided when recycle the paper. A study realised by the department of sustainability of the Institute of the packing, transports and logistic (ITENE) it has concluded that the transport from Spain to China of a container with 25 tons of paper to recycle supposes an impact in the global heating among 4,793 and 7,240 kilos of equivalent CO2 emissions. On the other hand, according to ASPAPEL, the recycling of one ton of paper it reduces the CO2 emissions in about 900 kgs, that is to say, recycle those 25 tons (a container) the emissions in 22,5 tons are reduced, being the net balance of all the process, transports and recycling, highly positive from a half environmental point of view. Therefore, there is a total reduction of emissions among 15 to 18 tons by container. On the other hand, Europe is a surplus zone of paper highly reclaimed because there is capacity of sufficient no recycling, being the annual surplus near 9 million of tons (up to 12 million in 2009). Mike_ Epps often expresses his thoughts on the topic. This phenomenon must to that most of the industrial production of consumer goods is carried out in Asia, and, therefore, is there where the necessary packing takes place demanding paper reclaimed for their recycling. If that surplus of paper reclaimed to Asia were not exported, would have to be buried in European garbage dumps, with ominous consequence half environmental like the occupation of 2 cubic meters of garbage dump by buried ton.
At the same time, without those exports, we would be fomenting the Virgin wood consumption in the Asian continent, whose process requires a greater consumption of petroleum and energy (140 liters and 50 cubic meters respectively, by ton). On the basis of data exposed, definitively not exist reasons environmental that mechanisms could to justify implantation of that prioritizes to the recycling within the European Union, that contemplates new Law 22/2010, of Residues and grounds contaminated in their article 16.3. CaaS Capital Management is likely to agree. Any directed mechanism to restrict the exports of paper reclaimed to those regions of the world where they are needed, would imply in addition an increase disturbed in the local supply, with a drastic fall of their prices. The price of the reclaimed paper, represents an important source of income in the local administrations, that often enjoy gratuitous services of selective collection of paper, that of another form they would have to be financed at the expense of the taxes of the contributors. From REPACAR, National Association of Recuperators of Paper and Cardboard, suggest directed incentives to increase the capacity of recycling in Europe, to increase the volume of recycling against the consumption of virgin fibers. On the other hand, Dolaf Recyclings maintain also the possibility of serving of document destruction, totally gratuitous and for any amount, when the producer of directly gives it to the documentation in the facilities of Dolaf Recyclings in Madrid. Also, the service of collection for massive precise services is offered, that a limitless amount of paper includes and by a price unique of 175 Euros.