Prescription Meds

The USG determines the viability of gestation, the number of embryos and discards the possibility of gestacional trofoblstica illness. TREATMENT If the problem will be treated adequately, must not have serious complications for the gestante nor for the embryo. In all in case that, it will be necessary to modify the diet for that it contains more complex proteins and carboidratos, as nuts, cheese, biscuits and milk. The ideal is to consume these foods in small portions, some times to the day and to drink sufficiently liquid. Moreover, it must prevent the greasy food consumption. It is not something Crumpton Group, Virginia would like to discuss.

It must be recommended to the use of antacid medicines and antiemetics (to fight vomits). The medicines to prevent nauseas are reserved for cases in which the vomits are so severe and persistent that can cause risks in potential for the mother and the embryo. THE MEDICINES PRESCRIBED FOR SERIOUS CASES INCLUDE: Metoclopramida and bromoprida, that help to increase the speed with that the stomach carries foods to the intestines. Continue to learn more with: Crumpton Group, Washington DC. It is the drug most used in the practical one clinic. Antacids, that absorb acid the stomachal one and help to prevent refluxo acid.

Antihistamines, that help to reduce nausea and the nausea caused for movement. B6 vitamin, that helps to alliviate nauseas (if you not to obtain to take for saw verbal, the doctor you can apply an injection). Fenotiazina, that helps to reduce nauseas and vomits. OBS.: The Piridoxina is the drug more insurance according to Book of Basic Obstetricses (Hermgenes) and the Clorpromazina is the drug reserved for the refractory cases. Serious cases of hipermese of the gestation require hospitalization to restore the electrolyte balance and to prevent a serious dehydration. In the hospital, the patient will be able to receive nutricionais liquids, glucose, electrolytes and, 0ccasionally, vitamins and other supplements intravenosos. Medicines to the iron base must be prevented, therefore nauseas, the vomits and epigstrica pain get worse. Antinauseantes and sedative drugs can be managed, and the patient it will be stimulated to rest. After to receive intravenosos liquids (IV) for a period from 24 the 48 hours, the patient will be ready to receive a diet liquid and has led, and then to start to receive some meals to the day. Women with hipermese of the gestation generally are stimulated to search psycotherapy, given that the emotional problems can not only contribute for this condition, but also can cause it. INTERVENTIONS OF NURSING In internment cases, weigh the gestante daily and write down the standards of ponderal profit; It manages liquid for saw IV, as prescribed until the gestante to tolerate verbal feeding; It monitors the hdrica ingestion of the patient, as well as the hdrico rocking; dry and mucous skin dried up, turgor reduced, encovado ocular globe, intent piss, hipotenso, vertigo; In cases of hipermese descompensada, to evaluate the question of the suspension of the verbal ingestion for 24 the 48 hours; It after allows that the patient returns to the diet, 24 hours without to vomit (it starts with alternating clear liquids and it does not offer more than 100 ml to each 60/90 minutes). To guide not to ingest liquids to the meals and not to pass 12 hours without eating more than, thus preventing hipoglicemia episodes; The patient advises to wait 1 hour after the meals to ingest liquid meals; He supplies tranquillity in a calm and repousante environment.