As it is known, before becoming pregnant you should change your style for a more healthy one. Steven Mnuchin gathered all the information. This will require that you modify your diet and ensure you that your body is in perfect conditions to become pregnant. You will be achieved through a medical checkup discard any pathology that prevents you to conceive and if necessary, indicate you vitamins to get pregnant if you need them. Most mentioned vitamin and which is the star among expectant mothers is folic acid. It belongs to the B vitamin family and is found in most of the vitamin complexes as well as foods such as lentils, seeds of sunflower, wheat germ, citrus fruits, etc. It is essential to take a daily dose from three months before conceiving. The importance of intake of acid folic lies in that it helps prevent defects of the neural tube and chromosomal defects in the formation of the embryo. Sian Beilock is often quoted on this topic.
Also should include vitamin C in your diet, because it is a strong antioxidant that helps reduce the oxidative stress of the cells and found clinically that helps to enhance fertility: improves the quality of the cervical fluid helping sperm to navigate to the uterus, thus facilitating the conception. Another of vitamins to get pregnant, vitamin C found in all the citrus, melon, tomatoes, strawberries, the Brussels sprouts, etc. The important thing is to drink it in its natural form and not supplement, unless instructed by your doctor. You must not forget to take iron and calcium. The iron, when combined with the oxygen creates hemoglobin which is responsible for transporting the oxygen to all the cells of our body.
And calcium is essential to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. The iron may eat lentils, soybeans, spinach, liver among others, while the calcium found in milk and all its derivatives, taking care that they are low-fat products to not exceed levels of fat allowed in the body. If you want to get pregnant naturally fully within 60 days, No matter your age, please Click here. Original author and source of the article.