Managing Change

Each month of May is celebrated as Mother's Day-a time to tell mothers everywhere how much we love and honor them. Amid all the holiday revelry should take some time to reflect on what this day represents, after nine months of waiting and crossing the threshold of the birth of a new beginning. When I became a mother, this festival took on new meaning, especially when my daughter graduated from college. Graduation ceremonies in the university has always held on Mother's Day as a special tribute to mothers who worked hard with the right of each student and they were glad to see the end and new beginning. I was one of the mothers and 27 years before that day, my mother was glad the day of the mother to see me go from the same university. Yes, Mother's Day creates a happy ending and the memories, but the end in themselves are not always happy occasions. We live in a world of new things. Finals almost always produces nostalgia and melancholy, and generate new beginnings a powerful combination of joy and fear.

What I do not like about Endings are so final. When something ends, a door closes. Things are never the same as before the final. They can be heartbreaking. There is a bitter nostalgia and tenderness associated with the endings-a feeling of regret for what we have lost, even if the ending is happy. They force us out of our routines. Endings are so insensitive. They do not care whether or not we are prepared for the transition to other things.

Radio Transmitting Programs

The program Dzomo Ayun, that transmits all the Tuesdays Radio Voice of the Coast, of 9,30 to 10hrs had the mission and the pleasant encounter with the sculptor, I lived Fuchslocher, a great artist who left to our encounter with his habitual calidez, back in Cuinco, way to Trumao, place that locks up the mystery of these hands of creative woman, generous in his char it where one appears tiny not condice yet the art who takes exerting kill time in the middle of the woman tasks agriculturist, and mother. This visit without doubts had a different shade, the program looks for to recognize, faces of simple women but that nevertheless they have given and generated in his lives qualities distinguish that them. Feminine as I lived, like him tenth that we feel to honor I tie that one stays like the flowers wild lilacs that adorn the entrance to that temple of the art where it is having a discussion with the clay that in short whiles seemed to emerge from a universal uterus, molding perhaps the flight of Vicente, a crystallization that leads to Marisol Waters to us and to a moving silence inevitable. It cheers to us that this osornina artist returns a to surprise with fusions of textures and materials to us. While we crossed the great amount of pieces to see and or to take, we continued it listening, sharing a conversation without rimbombantes terms, its attachment to the Earth, that that it maintains it constantly sensible, receptive without more oppression than the one than she herself occurs to go to that wisdom that will say finished piece to him. To recover these to char them he is most stimulating of Dzomo Ayun, creative Joy of Woman, hands, histories of life, faces of beautiful women, who have shared from their heart that passion subsists that them, signals leave that us in a territory that if we cheered up to look for and to discover, can surprise to us.

Brazilian Courses

In accordance with given raised next to the vestibule of the INEP, the courses of teaching formation, with the biggest taxes of evasion it enters the years of 2007 and 2009 had been the courses of licenciaturas in: physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology, in this order. Analyzing such data, she was possible to create a graph on the situation of the evasion in all the country: She is necessary that much is made in order to minimize the evasion tax, therefore the number of pupils whom they decide to attend a course Licenciatura, already is not the sufficient to supply the imbalance of professors in the country, and with the desistance the picture if it becomes still more critical. Such attitudes will have that to be taken individually by each institution, therefore she is necessary a study on the reality of the community where the same one is inserted. Some institutions, searching to diminish the evasion, are offering discipline of levelling in specific substances, at the beginning of the academic life, so that this pupil has one better condition to give to continue its graduation. PIBID/CAPES One of the best initiatives of the federal government until today in relation to the Brazilian education is the creation of the Institucional Program of Stock market of Initiation to Docncia (PIBID). The Coordination of Perfectioning of Staff of Superior Level (Capes), that before it answered only for after-graduation courses, started to receive, in 2009, a budget of R$ 1 billion destined the formation of professors. The program offers stock markets so that pupils of licenciaturas are inserted in the pertaining to school environment on supervision, in order to be made familiar to the reality of the pertaining to school community. Thus, these pupils will go knowing to the few the profession and the challenges and will be able to carry through research that can contribute for improvement of the teaching formation.

The Internet

According to Lvy (1993, P. 176), the interface establishes the conditions it human being if to communicate for the ways of computer science, beyond interacting with other users of these technologies by means of a common language. ' ' An interface man/machine assigns to the set of programs and devices substances that a informtico system and its users allow to the communication between humanos' '. 13 the communication established between the machines, its programs and its receiving transmissoras nets/, forms the way that the individual allows, to alar latitudes and longitudes. The technologies, in specific, the ones that if they relate to the operational one of the Internet, open conditions for one ' ' extension presencial' ' , it causes situation where the individual does not lack if to dislocate geographically. However, of a side it displays ideas and thoughts, of another one, condition interpretations and the accomplishment of activities for the interrelation between the connected ones. Therefore the sides are plural, the actions and interpretations and the connections also are. The individual envolvement offers to the connotation for the real interaction and interconnection.

In this interrelation, Lvy (2003, P. 28) denotes the constitution of the collective intelligence that has in ciberespao its support, ' ' an intelligence distributed for all the part, incessantly valued, co-ordinated in real time, that results in a mobilization accomplishes of competncias' ' consubstancia also for: … capacity to change ideas, to share common information and interests, creating communities and stimulating connections. To start, it takes the brain human. We make infinite connections that if intensify to the measure that we age.

Now it imagines that we can, thanks to the computer, to integrate this ' constellation of neurnios' with the one of millions of other people. This is the comparison that I make. The Internet today allows in them to create a collective superintelligence, to give to beginning to a great revolution human being.

Tokyo Electric Power

For Brazil economically in its trade balance of sales and purchases of merchandises Haiti, represented very little. On the other hand the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, impressed in them in the same way, images terrifying, devastadas cities, contingent human beings becoming vacant for the destroyed streets, search first-aid doctors, search of safe shelters and feeding. But a great abyss between the two events exists very: Japan was prepared for earthquakes, its constructions observed measured of security, is a people who this chemical preparation for emergency is of day or night. What it caused estragos enormous was tsunami unexpected uncontrollable and annihilating, that decimated hundreds of people. Japan we know since child, for its high technology and Brazil was invaded by cheap, smuggled and small objects. We think at the time that we could not have clocks and the Japanese clocks were cheap, bought in each esquina, of Seiko marks, Orient etc, the radios the stack, National, Mitsubishi, that we lead in stadiums of Soccer to follow the departures, the Recorders, the Televisions, them you scheme photographic Olimpus and Canon the Sony computer and other objects of Sony, the Honda automobiles, Mitsubishi, Toyota etc Our goods of consumption had started to have many come item of Japan.

The Japanese had enriched. Japan small island needed energy to put into motion this industry of good, generating of its wealth and today it possesss more than 50 nuclear plants, that produce energy. I think that they knew of the danger that represented the Nuclear plants, because of the earthquakes, me to the progress could not more stop, the snow ball already was enormous, and risks in opting to the use of the atomic energy to generate electricity, everything goes to find a solution. After the earthquake explosions in the reactors of the Plants is notified: ' ' The company Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO), that it generates the nuclear central office of Fukushima, did not exclude the possibility of the nucleus of reactor two of the central office to be in fusing due to one damages of sistema' ' this fact this defying all Japanese science in the search of a solution.


Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German CENTURY XXI They do not avacalheem full New Millenium, where JESUS in grants more a thousand years to them of learning. Until the substance after the Theory of the Relativity of Albert Einstein E=m.c, is subjects to dilute itself with the Human being of foot. It goes to sobrar what? The Immortal Spirit Perpetual Asset; the essence that never is gotten rid. GOD created, therefore, the man to Its Image, the Image of created it to GOD; man and created them to woman. Gnesis de Moiss, CAP. 1:27.

Universe if widens without the aid of the machine that if rusts, but with the participation of Its Filhosem Material Espiritualou body. ‘ ‘ One became chocking obvious that our technology exceeded ours humanidade’ ‘. Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German NOR THE MICROSCOPICAL BEINGS The Largeness of FATHER CELESTIAL, from where comes the Universal Spermatozoon is such, that nor the lesser beings perish, and you judge yourself better of what IT wanting to transform its children into one would lataria? ‘ ‘ If the facts are not incased in the theory, modify fatos’ ‘. Albert Einstein German Jewish Physicist THE CENTURY OF THE LATARIA the man created the computer to its image and material similarity: speaking, laughing, adding, diminishing, dividing, multiplying, running, coloring, settling, playing, if feeding, etc. ‘ ‘ The release of the atomic energy changed everything, but our way of pensar’ ‘. Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German It placed all to it its data. later? The machine parked, therefore it lacked Active the Perpetual Spirit to it.

It destroyed it to a bombing. There somebody says: But it also destroyed the machine human being. Yes, it diluted atoms, but the Essence Active Perpetual Spiritual continues, therefore it is part of the CREATOR INCRIADO, call: UNIVERSAL GOD. ‘ ‘ GOD does not play to dados’ ‘. Albert Einstein Jewish Physicist – German.

Science Applied to Form

The objective of this article is the search of the understanding of this new complex dynamics and sophisticated, having as base, the factor regionalism, the necessity of the expansion of offers of education and the paper of the Internet in the construction of the social conscience that comes providing to deep transformations in the relations human beings speeding up the desterritorializao process. 2. COMPUTER SCIENCE APPLIED To the EDUCATION? VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS the union of the resources of allied computer science to the development of projects interdisciplinares and cooperative gave beginning to a new area of studies, the computer science applied to the education, this junction makes possible the transmission of the knowledge of more attractive and dynamic form.

The implantation of new technologies of support to the education makes with that the pupil has greater interest and motivation to search desired information. When incorporating the texts, images, graphs, sound and video, many of the directions of the user are stimulated, allowing, thus, one better comment of simultaneous form to a bigger number of information, thus having, a change in the paradigm of the organized, synthecized education, hierarquizada (deductive, sequential, quantificvel) for an interactive, intuitivo and multissensorial model. Of the point of view of the didactic strategy, the computer science applied to the education can help of a general form, increasing the cognitiva capacity and mainly approaching the information of the pupils, making possible the interaction and the study of the subjects given in different schedules and places, provoking, in this way, a rupture in the hierarquizado traditional model where the professor is the detainer of knowing and the pupil is a passive agent of the knowledge (vertical relation), this methodology, provides integrant to a colaborativo learning that it can be mediated through tools of communication disponibilizadas by virtual environments (GRANDFATHER).

The convergence and integration of technologies in last the 20 years have modified all deeply the dimensions of our life, amongst these, are distinguished it Internet, that in them made possible much more mobility, that is, the possibility to carry through activities or tasks without necessarily going to a definitive place.

Shaped Language Unified

Several solutions exist will be the transport branch, developed by countless software companies, which present characteristics that don’ t assist you the Real needs of certain companies, or will be being obsolete in technology formerly or being not customize. Like this, the present work has will be objective the process automation of KRTL emission and the evelopment of it system customized will be road transport of loads administration. The research describes the stages used will be the software development, being them the project presentation, requirements rising, the system diagram, the code, the tests and the implantation. Studied, the Adriano Zentil Polzin – ME company will be used, located in Sheets So Paulo, So Paulo, which accomplishes, among to other areas, the road transport of loads and to other products. ILLUSTRATION LIST APPEARS I?

Layers of Software in the Model .NET30 FIGURE II? Form of inicializao of the Programa45 FIGURE III? Principal46 form APPEARS IV? Been form Border Registro47 APPEARS V? Been form Border Editar48 APPEARS VI? Been form Border Filtros48 APPEARS VII? Been form Border Relatrio49 APPEARS VIII? Window of Visualization of the Report of the Estados50 APPEARS IX? Configuration of driver ODBC51 FIGURE X? Data of the configuration of driver ODBC51 TABLE LIST TABLE I? Participants of the Projeto25 PRICE II? List of Materiais25 PRICES III? Model of Survey of Requirements of the Sistema26 PRICES IV? Requirements of Negcio26 PRICE V? Requirements of Hardware and Software27 PRICE VI? Requirements of Hardware and Software28 PRICE VII? Cardinalidades29 LIST OF ABREBIATURAS AND ACRONYMS Standard ASCIIAmerican Code will be Information Interchange (Code of American Standard for the Interchange of Information) CIFCoast Insurance Freight (Freight on account of the addressee) National CNHCarteira of DBFData Qualification Base File (Archive of Data base) FOBFree On Board (Freight on account of the shipper) GUIGrapfical User Interface (Graphical Interface of the User) Withheld at source IRRFImposto de Renda ICMSImposto on Circulation of Merchandises and Services IPInternet Protocol (Protocol of Internet) MRPMaterial Requirements Planning (Planning of the Necessities of Materials) ODBCOpen Date Base Connectivity (Open Conectividade of Data base) Guided POOProgramao the Objects PLProcedural Language (Procedural Language) SCMSupply Chain Management.

Omega Alarm System

On the basis of this equipment is very easy to build both simple and any arbitrarily complex system combines Alert fire and any emergency situations, handsfree broadcast information and advertising messages and music programs. Sure, we should note how easy installation and reliability, and survivability of warning systems, built on the base hardware Omega. Automatic (hardware) control system performance and diagnose possible faults have long been the envy of manufacturers of such equipment. The basic element of the system is a control unit Omega SP40 / 2, which already contained all the necessary functions to create a full soue third type. Switchgear Omega SP40 / 2 is candy bar in the composition of which (standard) already includes the following functional units: Built-controlled uninterruptible power supply 220V/24V Built-controlled charger for battery. Built-controlled digital module recorded messages. Built-controlled digital repeater power.

Built-controlled handheld microphone. Built-controlled automatic switch input signals. Built-controlled power module, control and synchronization of light and sound sirens. Integrated control and diagnostics system. As needed empowerment soue a Warning System Omega may appear different functional modules, converting a simple, consisting of only one device management notification to the powerful distributed Multichannel soue for very large objects.

Options are many, but we consider only some of them. soue third type of small objects. Figure 1's that simple! Installing panel Omega, connect to it alarms, the lines Launch of alarm messages and soue ready. If necessary, the panel can be connected to a source of background music, telephone or remote speaker.

Session Initiation Protocol

They exist about 1.100 computers currently hardwired the PirDigital net. The net of data, today, uses the protocols 802.11a, 802.11b e802.11g, with this the transmission speed varies of 11Mbps 54Mbpsdependendo of the point, in the center of Pira all backbone.Beyond processode computerization, Digital Pira still became possible the entrance of municpiona telesaude3 and telemedicina4, being foreseen ainaugurao for February of the chain.

The intention is to use the resources devideoconferncia on IP through one enlace with the remote site being able serimplementado through a connection point-the-point or saw a net frame-relay, to be given lectures, meetings, congresses, training, entreoutros. For realizaoda videoconferncia, the Municipal City hall of Pira, disponibilizou Audience, Room deDesenvolvimento of Contents and Room of Digitalizao de Contedo, localizadosno> building of the CEDERJ. Velocidadede content transmission varies enters 384 kbps in IP/SIP of up to 2 Mbps for attainment of sincronia and apresentahabilitao MPPlus that allows the equipment to make up to 6 simultaneous sites minimum avelocidade of 384kbps (GONALVES, 2008)

According to Mrcio CorrenteGonalves, the videoconferncia counts on the interfaces of net IP (LAN, DSL, wire modem). Door Simple Ethernet 10/100 (10 Mbps/100 Auto Mbps/) esuporte the LAN wireless saw Ethernet door; 802.11bou802.11g is compatible with IEEE, up to 50 Mbps. It has supported SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), integraocom the Call Manager Version 4.