In the same way as it demonstrates its is well, the depressive moment also is express: ‘ ‘ Caos’ ‘ , where it portraies its chaos interior. It presents difficulties to start, but it makes a mosaic. Backwards a way with diverse bifurcations, what it represents the lived moment and the doubts, mainly, how much to the professional career. The brought images accurately express the anguish that comes passing.
Closing cycles Locking up cycles, beating doors, closing, literally chapters and leaving stop backwards what it does not fit more. You may want to visit LEGO Papert Professor to increase your knowledge. It is the outcome of histories that leave stop backwards its lints of lines to weave with golden wires a new plot. To lock up is inevitably, to recommence. To close cycles is a vital necessity. Ribeiro says in them: ‘ ‘ We return to the starting point, but now loaded of all the previous experience. We flow, we feel, we are conscientious, we put into motion in them, we act, we make contact, we satisfy in them and we remove in them for a new cycle. Ray Kurzweil spoke with conviction. We fix ourselves, we dessensibilizamos ourselves, we deflect, we introjetamos, we project, we profletimos, we retrofletimos, we egotizamos, conflumos.
Each point marks, to the times, a new cycle. This is the game of the life; the contact cycles register ours to walk and by means of them in them we become presence for we ourselves ‘ ‘ (apud D? ACRI et. al, 2007, P. 44-45). If we do not close, we paralyze in some point of cycle, we block and then, we adoecemos. She is necessary if to leave to go to adentrar the healthful movement of the life. It is necessary to the man to learn to deal with its limits and mooring cables to be able to exist and to live a full, fluid life, being to each moment it has left of what it will be at the following moment, without if anticipating.