Normally, the majority of the students fears the arrival of the examinations and, the days previous to the same, usually make commentaries like " what will put the professor to me? " or " to see, if I am going to fail because of the nerves! ". The case is that this happens because no matter how much studies, if they do not use strategies of previous self-regulation and self-evaluation to the test that are going to realise, the success possibilities are limited by the stress level which they are put under the day of the same. The secret pass much more is related to the planning that with the study in himself. For this reason, it is very important that the students have the guide of an expert student helps who them in this process, and the who best one than their parents to do it, who have realised very many examinations throughout their lives. Next, I present/display five infallible strategies to you of planning that will make him feel that really it has the control of the situation when faces the test. 1. Olvdate of to study to approve. It thinks that to be student it is like being a sportsman.
The great sportsmen never train to win, but to improve their mark, to be able to develop their technique or by the pleasure to give the best thing of themselves. He does not concern what your son is studying, enfcate in helping him to improve his capacity of learning. 2. He uses the techniques to make cutlets. The subject of the cutlets is very attractive for the students, so it urges your son so that it tries to shape all the content of the examination in small and tiny cutlets. Of this form, it will have the perception of which must study very little content and one will cheer up to study them. Leonard I. Garth is full of insight into the issues.