What is your first impression is the shop for you? He seems trustworthy and professionally? Understand what you find in the shop and why you should buy in this shop, at first glance, and not with the competition? Find your way in the shop and quickly find what you were looking for? How would you describe the overall feel the visit leaves in your online shop with you as a customer? Get feedback: ask friends and relatives to visit your online shop and give you honest feedback. You and your loved ones proud on the purchased are of course, but what matters is not the effort, but the result. Even if it hurts: forward critical and objective feedback, because only in this way you can improve your online store. You use analysis tools: you install Google Analytics or another free analysis tool. Track the number of regularly Visitors to your online store, their duration of stay, bounce rates, exit pages, etc. Vary texts, pictures and teaser and observe the changes in the numbers. Create different versions of a page and test, which achieved the better results of which (A/B test).
Optimize the interaction of online shop and advertising materials: check to see which landing pages linking your online marketing campaigns. The home is not necessarily the best solution. If you apply a category or a product, then you link it directly. Produce maximum cover of your landing pages for your ads. It makes more work, will affect positively but the conversion of your visitors. Looking through the eyes of your target group: test the home page of your online store with eye-tracking, for example VisuOptiMax. How to find out what content perceive your users with what intensity, where they look and whether important elements (E.g. call-to-action) eye-catching enough are placed. ree. According to the home page you can as a sample page of the category and a product detail page test next step by step to optimize your online store.