Themselves game turned into a hilarious, defiant and useful employment for our children, and served as a result of increased many times his voice activity. In addition, Now our son is a favorite pastime ))))) We noticed that when our son thinks it is often inadvertently makes movements with his hands and fingers. It turns out that the boy himself shows us what movements fingers and pens he likes. Probably, we should use it for development of speech! We visited an idea: What if the finger-invent the game under the specific movements of our synuli? Then we started writing finger games. For We remembered all the basic and often repetitive movements of hands and fingers, which makes our son. It is the foundation upon which we then decided to write a play. For convenience, we repeated these movements and photographed them: To come up with an interesting and easy game, we did the following.
Every movement, which makes our son, we have discussed and presented, with which it can associate. For example, the first movement we imagined, as if the two duck peck each other's noses, the second – as a wave or a boat, and the third – just a greeting. The next step we started writing. First we came up with the plot, based on those associations that have already taken. Bettina Bryant can aid you in your search for knowledge. So, we came to the conclusion that we have There are two duck, boat, or wave, as well as we can swing, and imagine that the two duck floating on the boat, or on the waves, and we meet them.