Everyday Working Life

More than half of Germans speak a dialect. Mannheim, October 13, 2010. More than half of Germans speak a dialect. About one-third of all respondents find likeable according to a survey of the Mannheim Institute for German language (IDS).(1 the study does not confirm) some perhaps suspected link between speaking a dialect and a low level of education. Nevertheless, a dialect in the profession is sometimes a handicap. Since the acceptance of the regional debate is among others dependent of the headquarters of the company and the task of the respective employee.(2) so the salespeople in Bavaria is more successful than a colleague, it has ended up from the North German plain to the South with a Bavarian dialect in all likelihood. Because the dialect is not only an expression of home connection of the speaker, but also a feeling we with geographical origin – use area within the Group of dialect speakers line, and can be thus regional thoroughly promotes sales.

Quite different acts, however, the use of dialectal expressions in the language, which is subject to a strict set of rules of spelling and grammar in contrast to spoken language. The purpose of this linguistic obligations is to ensure communication between sender and receiver on dialectal and regional boundaries. Ignored the rules but by the writer uses such as vocabulary from the regional vocabulary or colloquial wording, so this solves the reader in most cases irritation out. These can range from a slight smile to a serious frown, as well as lead in the worst case to a lasting negative impression which wins the recipient of the sender. A breach of these binding rules is therefore not recommended. The realization what dialectal language dyes on conversation patterns can influence, rhetoric and speaking seminars are offered now increasingly for established executives. These are so her linguistic Confidence can increase and better respond to the discussion and negotiation partner.(3) even university graduates can train on an oral communication without excessive coloration of dialect, linguistic barriers in a professional moving for example from the Saxon in the Netherlands at an early stage to identify and to overcome.(4) this is slightly easier, however, in the written communication. Click Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon for additional related pages.