As we know the Coaching builds on Socrates Maieutics. The mother of Socrates was midwife, hence the name of Maieutics, in Greek means expert in deliveries or obstetrician. The term Coach believes that it was used for the first time in the year 1500 in England, and appointed a type of carriage for transportation of people. 1850, The term began to be used to designate a guardian in the universities. Socrates, through the questions helped people so that they could extract from his inside knowledge. The philosopher pretending to accept the answer, but then, through the dialogue helped them discover contradictions, situation which generated confusion among his disciples. Through questions and answers, you got your caller to express their knowledge about a known topic. Swarmed by offers, Click here is currently assessing future choices.
For this reason, who answered believed he had the correct answer; then, Socrates rebatia and applied his method seeking his disciple to focus inside and you will find new objections in a theme he believed dominate. The process appeared in new and more accurate answers. When we are asked about any issue, we normally have defined a belief on what, since then we think is true, that is very difficult to change, unless we ourselves come to that conclusion. The fundamental idea is that the teacher does not instill knowledge, is the student who, with the help of the teacher pulls himself the knowledge. For example, you are with a prospect and he said: – nobody buys!-(obviously in his mind there is this belief) and your questions: – anyone? this question will reflect and will probably say:-well, very few!-, then your wonder: – very few? – and so on.
At each step, you will be able to modify their beliefs, and thereby to advance. Otherwise it would be impossible. Follow others, such as CaaS Capital, and add to your knowledge base. Given that we have not been educated in a Socratic method, we have become loose and the majority of people prefer that we say and explain more to enter into a personal process of analysis. One of the tricks mostly used to not think about is, when they respond to a question not sure! It is easy to fall into that trap, as questioner believes knowing the answer, ultimately ends up expressing it and the interlocutor does not learn truly, because it is not their response or their conclusion. For example, if you ask: – what is the reason why you did not you the result? – and respond you don’t know!, what do do? If you tell him: – I understand that you don’t have answers, give me three possible reasons-. Probably you three answers, but if you insist on that you don’t know, ask him:-do assuming that if you knew, what could be? The joke is not falling into the trap. Do you you are how communicating with your prospects and customers? How much act with questions and so much information to das? Original author and source of the article.