The technology of drawing pictures on various subjects with paint and compressed air is called airbrushing. Airbrush was invented in 1879 in America. In translation from English Airbrush literally means 'air brush'. In connection with the rapid growth of the automotive industry, the demand for airbrushing. Previously, airbrush work in artisanal conditions today are engaged experts who have been 'courses airbrushing'. To obtain high-quality images, As a rule, they use professional tools airbrush Japanese company Iwata and paints the leaders of this market: Standox, Spies Hecker, DuPont, ppg, Sikkens. Due to the high granularity of individual fragments and fidelity colors, you can achieve a very realistic images. For airbrushing there are no barriers, the image can be of any complexity – landscapes, wildlife, surrealistic paintings or any other images.
Soon airbrushing was real art – giving an unusual charm and originality of the car, its visual improvement. Image emphasizes individuality, character, style master car, because the picture made by your order will be exclusive. many years held an exhibition of cars made with airbrushing, competitions, online sites are found, united around a lovers and admirers of art, and in any magazine, dedicated to the auto / motorcycle technology, you will find an article or pictures airbrushing. Looks nice airbrushing. She adds, even more expressive forms of metal, allowing to achieve the visual effect: riveted metal, armor, silver titanium, etc. A car with airbrushing, no doubt, will attract attention and cause a feeling of admiration for the people around them. Thanks to showiness, your car is well protected from theft. According to statistics, the number of stolen cars is ten times less than the same simple model.
The fact that the picture is very noticeable and easy to remember, this in turn leads to decrease the likelihood of theft (fast you can catch offender). Among the wealthy are increasingly becoming a prestigious give gifts in the form of a new car with an applied gentle drawing of his beloved woman. Separately want to stay on course airbrushing. Leading Exstudio aerographic studio in Moscow, which offers school and courses airbrushing. Courses is well-known artist P. Levin, and his work has repeatedly occupied the top places in various competitions and exhibitions. Our lessons airbrush help creative people. If you have the ability and desire to order airbrushing, if you select the studio we recommend to look at finished work studio. Sometimes, pictures of the studio on the site is not correspond to the drawings, seen in the 'live'. Specify the details regarding the price, in order to avoid its sharp rise after work. One of the highlights of airbrushing is the question – whether a company painting booth or in the what conditions are causing the image.