This is a moment of the formation where graduating can live deeply experiences, knowing better its area of performance. Follow others, such as Atmos Energy Corporation, and add to your knowledge base. ' ' The Supervised Period of training consists of practical theory and in view of a constant search of the reality for a joint elaboration of the program of work in the formation of the educator (WAR, 1995) ' '. The period of training, most of the time, is the first contact of the future educator with the pertaining to school reality, oportunizando to share learning constructions, as well as the application of the theoretical learning in the practical one of the chosen profession. The first moment in the school for the preparation of the period of training must be used to advantage to observe the functioning of the school, as much in the administrative part how much in the classroom, of the pupils of the community and all the involved ones with the daily pertaining to school. This comment allows the collection of extremely important information, so that the academic can elaborate its project of pedagogical intervention in classroom that will be the second stage of the period of training. (WAR, 1995). According to Abreu and Masetto (1990), in the elaboration of the planning, the professor it has the necessity to take a series of decisions. It needs to decide, for example, what it is important that the pupils know; that content goes to approach that has left goes to leave of side, for not being essential; that resources go to use to facilitate to the development and learning of the pupils becoming them more significant; and so on. So that the professor has guided its decisions to be taken are necessary that it has an education concept, the conception on learning, as well as its knowledge of the learning process and on the forms most efficient to establish it; it influences, also, its ability in dealing with such forms.